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SpeedSkin Keyboard Covers


SpeedSkin Keyboard Cover


SpeedSkin Standard for Deep Keys SpeedSkin UltraSlim
SpeedSkin Spandard Deep Key
Keyboard Cover for Education

SpeedSkin UltraSlim Shallow Key
Keyboard Cover for Education

SpeedSkin UltraSlim 2nd Generation for Chrombook Compuuters SpeedSkin UltraSlim 2nd Generation for Chrombook Computers SpeedSkin UltraSlim 2nd Generation for Chrombook Computers

SpeedSkin Ulifit
SpeedSkin UltraSlim 2nd Generation
Keyboard Cover for Chromebooks
Speed Skin Unifit Keyboard Cover
for Chromebook Computers


The SpeedSkin orange, four-row, and blank keyboard covers are the perfect curriculum companion for typing software programs in the classroom or at home. These covers prevent students from peeking at the keyboard while using any of the top typing software to achieve 60+ words per minute. Our peek-proof training prevents students from acquiring the hunt and peck method, which limits typing speed to only 35 wpm. 

Over 40% Off on All SpeedSkin Keyboard
Covers, with our New Quantity Pricing !

SpeedSkin UltraSlim Keyboard Covers

EducationMax Keyboard Covers

EducationMax Stop-the-Peek Opaque Keyboard Cover for Dell KB216

EducationMax Opaque Keyboard Cover Closeup

  EducationMax Stop-the-Peek Keyboard Cover   EducationMax No-Peek Cover for Dell KB2116T & KM636 (DP/N ORKRON).

Perfect Fit "Stop-the-Peek" Opaque Keyboard Cover
Designed for the Dell KB216 & KM636 (DP/N ORKRON)

More information for EducationMax Stop-the-Peek Opaque Keyboard Covers



Faces 4.0 Facial Composite Software

Faces 4.0 EDU Facial Composite Software for Schools

Faces 4.0 Facial Composite Software

Learn the skills for increasing your cognitive awareness, build your short term memory and improve on your personal safety!

Perfect for CSI and Criminal Justice Instruction!

You be the Sketch Artist!

Faces 4.0 EDU Facial Composite Software for Schools


Online Typing Tutors for Education

Keyboarding Instuction

See How Important
Keyboard Training Really is!

Every Student who is provided a computer for their education, should also be given the tools to properly use that computer. The most important being the techniques of touch typing.

The most essential element is a fully functional typing tutor, designed by teachers for teacher.

We believe we have that covered with the best three typing tutors of all time, to cover students from Preschool to 12th Grade.

This computer program takes a no nonsense approach to typing and by simply using the program 10 to 15 mins. a day you will see a significant increase in speed. The program has been designed for people that don't currently type as well as for people that would just like to increase their speed.

read more about cloud based educational software

HELP a child learn to read, write & type! This 40-lesson adventure is a powerful tool for 6-8 year olds just learning to read, for children of other cultures learning to read and write in English, and for students of any age who are struggling to become successful readers and writers.

read more about cloud based educational software

Based on the award winning "Type to Learn 4", this classroom designed resource is cloud-based and accessible online by Students, Teachers and Administrators.

(12) Month Online Subscription for the Classroom

read more about cloud based educational software


educational software sales phone  (832) 741-4244
(Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-6:00PM, Central Time)
Customer Service Email: Smartkid6@smartkidssoftware.com


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